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Articul: 1
Section: Felt goods / Panel
Price, KZT: 26140
Weight, г: 159
Dimension/diameter: 23x25
Description: The panel from multi-coloured felt made on national technology "Syrmak" adds the originality to your apartment.
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Articul: 2
Section: Felt goods / Panel
Price, KZT: 8720
Weight, г: 99
Dimension/diameter: 20x20
Description: Multicolored felt panel produced by a national technology “syrmack". Wonderful family gift.
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Articul: 3
Section: Felt goods / Panel
Price, KZT: 21780
Weight, г: 94
Dimension/diameter: 20x20
Description: Multicolored felt panel produced by a national technology “syrmack”.
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Articul: 234
Section: Felt goods / Panel
Price, KZT: 34850
Weight, г: 180
Dimension/diameter: 57x51
Description: Panel "Caravan". Felt application, macrame and embroidery.
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Articul: 235
Section: Felt goods / Panel
Price, KZT: 30490
Weight, г: 75
Dimension/diameter: 29x18
Description: A felt panel decorated with ornament application.
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Articul: 236
Section: Felt goods / Panel
Price, KZT: 52270
Weight, г: 131
Dimension/diameter: 48x35
Description: Panel "Aul (Kazakh village)" decorated with ornament application.
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Articul: 237
Section: Felt goods / Panel
Price, KZT: 60980
Weight, г: 686
Dimension/diameter: 70x34
Description: Panel-amulet "Otau" decorated with felt application and embroidery brings good luck in your house.
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Articul: 238
Section: Felt goods / Panel
Price, KZT: 50530
Weight, г: 542
Dimension/diameter: 67x31
Description: A Felt panel, decorated with tassels and national ornament application.
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Articul: 239
Section: Felt goods / Panel
Price, KZT: 52270
Weight, г: 224
Dimension/diameter: 87x50
Description: Felt application based on “Silver hoof” fairytale.
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Articul: 240
Section: Felt goods / Panel
Price, KZT: 34850
Weight, г: 233
Dimension/diameter: 66x50
Description: Caravan" decorated with felt application, macrame and embroidery. It is good gift to the grandmother.
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Articul: 4
Section: Felt goods / Caskets
Price, KZT: 11330
Weight, г: 119
Dimension/diameter: 10
Description: "Yurt" jewelry box made of felt and decorated with national ornaments.
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Articul: 5
Section: Felt goods / Caskets
Price, KZT: 8720
Weight, г: 104
Dimension/diameter: 11
Description: “Yurt” jewelry box made of felt and decorated with national ornaments. Original gift to the girlfriend.
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Articul: 6
Section: Felt goods / Caskets
Price, KZT: 8720
Weight, г: 44
Dimension/diameter: 6
Description: “Yurt” jewelry box made of felt and decorated with national ornaments.
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Articul: 7
Section: Felt goods / Caskets
Price, KZT: 10460
Weight, г: 29
Dimension/diameter: 8
Description: “Yurt” jewelry box made of felt and decorated with national ornaments.
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Articul: 8
Section: Felt goods / Caskets
Price, KZT: 13070
Weight, г: 117
Dimension/diameter: 10
Description: “Yurt” jewelry box made of felt and decorated with national ornaments.
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Articul: 9
Section: Felt goods / Caskets
Price, KZT: 15680
Weight, г: 117
Dimension/diameter: 11
Description: “Yurt” jewelry box made of felt and decorated with national ornaments.
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Articul: 10
Section: Felt goods / Caskets
Price, KZT: 13070
Weight, г: 136
Dimension/diameter: 6x11
Description: “Chest” jewelry box made of felt and decorated with national-style tape is perfect gift to the girl.
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Articul: 11
Section: Felt goods / Tumars
Price, KZT: 3920
Weight, г: 13
Dimension/diameter: 11x9
Description: Tumar (amulet, talisman) from felts in the form of young of camel decorated by a tape brings to you good luck.
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Articul: 12
Section: Felt goods / Tumars
Price, KZT: 3920
Weight, г: 6
Dimension/diameter: 10x8
Description: Tumar (amulet) made of felt and decorated with tape.
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Articul: 13
Section: Felt goods / Tumars
Price, KZT: 3920
Weight, г: 4
Dimension/diameter: 7x9
Description: Tumar (amulet) made of felt and decorated with tape.
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Articul: 27
Section: Felt goods / Keychains
Price, KZT: 3490
Weight, г: 10
Dimension/diameter: 8x8
Description: Key ring “Takiya (girls’ hat) made of felt and decorated with fur, tape and application.
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Articul: 28
Section: Felt goods / Keychains
Price, KZT: 3490
Weight, г: 9
Dimension/diameter: 4x10
Description: The keychain as maiden takja (head-dress) from felts decorated with fur, tape and application is unusual gift to the girl.
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Articul: 29
Section: Felt goods / Keychains
Price, KZT: 6100
Weight, г: 16
Dimension/diameter: 5x7
Description: Key ring “Saddle” decorated with embroidery and leather tape.
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Articul: 68
Section: Felt goods / Covers and purses
Price, KZT: 17430
Weight, г: 27
Dimension/diameter: 12x9
Description: A souvenir purse decorated with national ornaments (felt, tape).
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Articul: 69
Section: Felt goods / Covers and purses
Price, KZT: 17430
Weight, г: 18
Dimension/diameter: 33x10
Description: A case for glasses made of felt and decorated with national ornaments of tape.
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Articul: 70
Section: Felt goods / Covers and purses
Price, KZT: 30490
Weight, г: 50
Dimension/diameter: 20x9
Description: Felt case for glasses decorated with tape.
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Articul: 71
Section: Felt goods / Covers and purses
Price, KZT: 17430
Weight, г: 35
Dimension/diameter: 20x14
Description: Case for glasses (felt decorated with tape ornaments).
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Articul: 72
Section: Felt goods / Covers and purses
Price, KZT: 17430
Weight, г: 27
Dimension/diameter: 17x10
Description: Felt case for glasses decorated with national ornaments of tape.
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Articul: 178
Section: Felt goods / Bags
Price, KZT: 34850
Weight, г: 116
Dimension/diameter: 26x36
Description: Ladies’ felt bag decorated with embroidery and tape.
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Articul: 179
Section: Felt goods / Bags
Price, KZT: 45300
Weight, г: 107
Dimension/diameter: 30x30
Description: Felt bag decorated with ornament and tape is wonderful gift for the woman.
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